"元門38式太極拳圖"取自官貴中老師著作--正身:元門38勢太極拳入門功法 (台灣商務印書館出版)。
(1)太極起勢 Commence Movement
(2)攬雀尾 Lan-Chu-Wei/Grasp the Sparrow's Tail
(3)提手 Ti-Shou/Lift Hands
(4)白鶴亮翅 Bai-He-Liang-Chih/White Crane Flapping Its Wings
(5)摟膝斜行 Lou-Si-Sie-Sing/Brush the Knees and Walk Obliquely
(6)手揮琵琶 Shou-Huei-Pi-Pa/Hand Strumming the Pipa
(7)豹虎歸山 Bao-Hu-Guei-Shan/Leopard and the Tiger Return to the Mountain
(8)肘底看捶 Jhou-Di-Kan-Chuei/Punch under the Elbow
(9)倒攆猴 Dao-Nian-Hou/Step Back to Thrust the Monkey
(10)斜飛勢 Sie-Fei-Shih/Fly Diagonally
(11)海底針 Hai-Di-Jhen/Needle at Sea Bottom
(12)山通臂 Shan-Tong-Bei/Push through the Mountain
(13)雲手 Yun-Shou/Cloud Hand
(14)高探馬 Gao-Tan-Ma/High Pat on Horse
(15)分腳 Fe-Jiao/Separate Foot
(16)轉身蹬跟 Jhuan-Shen-Deng-Gen/Turn the Body and Kick with Heel
(17)摟膝栽捶 Lou-Si-Zai-Chuei/Brush the Knees and Strike Down with Fist
(18)撇身捶 Pie-Shen-Chuei/Twist Body and Circle Fist
(19)二起腳 Er-Ci-Jiao/Second Raise Foot Kick
(20)披身伏虎 Pi-Shen-Fu-Hu/Draping the Body to Subdue the Tiger
(21)踢腳蹬跟 Ti-Jiao-Deng-Gen/Kick Leg and Kick with Heel
(22)單風灌耳 Dan-Fong-Guan-Er/Single Wind Passes through the Ear
(23)野馬分鬃 Ye-Ma-Fong-Zong/Horse Part Its Mane
(24)玉女穿梭 Yu-Nyu-Chuan-Suo/Fair Lady Weaves with Shuttle
(25)單鞭下勢 Dan-Bian-Sia-Shih/Low Single Whip
(26)金雞獨立 Jin-Ji-Du-Li/Golden Rooster Standing on One Leg
(27)上步壓肘 Shang-Bu-Ya-Jhou/Step Forward and Press Down the Elbow
(28)十字擺腿 Shih-Zih-Bai-Tuei/Cross Legs
(29)指襠捶 Jhih-Dang-Chuei/Punch Down
(30)單鞭上勢 Dan-Bian-Shang-Shih/Single Whip and Raise Hands
(31)上步七星 Shang-Bu-Chi-Shing/Step Forward to Seven Stars
(32)卸步跨虎 Sie-Bu-Kua-Hu/Step Back to Ride the Tiger
(33)雙擺蓮腿 Shuang-Bai-Lian-Tuei/Double Lotus Kicks
(34)彎弓射虎 Wan-Gong-She-Hu/Draw the Bow and Shoot the Tiger
(35)搬攔捶 Bai-Lan-Chuei/Twist Body and Circle Fist
(36)如封似閉 Ru-Fong-Sih-Bi/Seal Tightly
(37)十字手 Shih-Zih-Shou/Cross Hands
(38)合太極 He-Tai-Chi/Close Tai Chi